Scientific papers search
July-September 2023


The online journal "Perioperative Nursing” is published every four months and it is the official electronic journal of the Greek Operating Room Nurses’ Association(G.O.R.N.A.). It is one of the officially recognised scientific peer- review Greek nursing journals (L. 3522/31-12-2012)

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Editorial Board

Welcome in "Perioperative nursing" Journal GORNA, issued every four months the Greek Association of Operating Room Nurses GORNA with national recognition 3522/31-12-2012,a quarterly scientific journal for nurses and other healthcare professionals. Journal's articles are Peer Reviewed. All articles are in pdf format (Get Adobe© Reader) and are written in greek language, but an english abstract is always included.

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Instructions for Authors

Σημαντική ενημέρωση: λόγω τεχνικού προβλήματος, πλέον οι εργασίες προς δημοσίευση θα πρέπει να κατατίθενται στο [email protected]. Όσοι συγγραφείς έχουν καταθέσει εργασίες μετά τις 19/9/2019 στο [email protected], παρακαλούνται όπως τις ξαναστείλουν στο [email protected]. Ευχαριστούμε για την κατανόηση.

The journal publishes scientific papers (articles) in order to inform the readers about issues of perioperative nursing and general interest that fall within the field of health care, by health professionals.All members of the GORNA and its affiliates can send their scientific papers and their reflections on contemporary issues of perioperative nursing to the association's mail [email protected]

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Endorsed by the Min. of Health

Perioperative Nursing Journal is endorsed by the Hellenic Ministry Of Health.

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8th Congress of the European Operating Room Nurses Association (EORNA)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

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Indexed in

European Operating Room Nurses Association
World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply
International Federation of Perioperative Nurses