Results for: Patient Safety Your search came up with 3 results: Volumes/Issues / Volume 13(2024) / Issue 1 January-March 2024 PRIORITIES FOR PATIENT SAFETY IN OPERATING ROOM:A REVIEW OF SURGICAL TEAM MEMBERS' VIEWS Monday, January 1, 2024Introduction: Patients’ safety undergoing surgery is considered a crucial principle in operating room. Surgical team members’ views regarding safety priorities are essential to guide future efforts with the aim to improve patient safety in operating room. Aim: The investigation of surgical team members’ views related to priorities for patient safety. Methodology: A literature review in the database Volumes/Issues / Volume 12 (2023) / Issue 1 January-March 2023 QUALITY POLICIES IN SWEDEN AND GREECE.GOOD PRACTICES FOR GREECE. Sunday, January 1, 2023Introduction: Since the 1990s, the European Union has provided several guidelines to its member states on the sustainability of health systems. The purpose of this study was to present the most significant policies implemented in health care in Sweden and Greece. Methodology: A review of international literature was conducted in the electronic databases such as pubmed, google scolar. Results: Sweden Volumes/Issues / Volume 10 (2021) / Issue 3 July - September 2021 SURGICAL PATIENT SAFETY: NURSING CARE PLAN OUTCOMES BASED ON A STANDARDIZED TERMINOLOGY Thursday, July 1, 2021Introduction: Patient safety remains an essential concern in health care delivery and Nurses’ input for its achievement is of crucial importance. Standardized nursing terminologies have been described in literature contributing to effectively address issues related to safety and quality of the care provided. Nursing process has been embedded into these classifications and consist an integral conceptual