Results for: patients Your search came up with 21 results: Volumes/Issues / Volume 13(2024) / Issue 1 January-March 2024 «DO NOT RESUSCITATE» IN TERMINAL ILL PATIENTS Monday, January 1, 2024No abstract available Volumes/Issues / Volume 9 (2020) / Issue 1 January-March 2020 ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS OF ADULT PATIENTS WITH EPILEPSY Wednesday, January 1, 2020Introduction: Epilepsy is a widespread neurological disorder affecting more than 70 million people worldwide. Epilepsy is characterized as a complex of symptoms with multiple risk factors and a strong genetic predisposition.Purpose: To explore attitudes and views of adult patients with epilepsy regarding the disease.Material and Method: A descriptive study of a convenience sample of 100 patients visiting Volumes/Issues / Volume 9 (2020) / Issue 3 July - September 2020 under publication CHARACTERISTICS OF PATIENTS UNDERGOING HEMODIALYSIS Wednesday, July 1, 2020Introduction: In recent decades, the number of patients undergoing dialysis has beeb increased dramatically, worldwide. This treatment method imposes a significant burden on patients, their families and the National Health System of each country. Purpose: To explore the characteristics of patients undergoing dialysis.Material and Method: This was a descriptive study on a convenience sample of 100 Volumes/Issues / Volume 8 (2019) / Issue 4 October-December 2019 DEPRESSION IN HEMODIALYSIS Tuesday, October 1, 2019Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder that keeps pace with renal failure.1 The term “psychonephrology,” is widely used to indicate that renal replacement therapy encounter with multiple stressors, thus resulting in psychiatric disturbance.2 During recent decades, the association between depression and hemodialysis receives a great deal of attention mainly due to deleterious effects Volumes/Issues / Volume 5 (2016) / Issue 1 January-April 2016 EXPLORATION OF NURSES KNOWLEDGE REGARDING SAFETY POLICIES FOR SURGICAL INFECTIONS’ PREVENTION Friday, January 1, 2016Background: In hospital infections are consisting one of the biggest problems as they put in danger patients’ safety by increasing morbidity and mortality rates, prolonging hospitalization and multiplying clinical expenses. Use of medical protocols is one of the most effective harm reduction policies. In Greece few research projects evaluating the services provided have been conducted, especially Volumes/Issues / Volume 7 (2018) / Volume 1 January - April 2018 NEEDS OF PATIENTS UNDERGOING HEMODIALYSIS Monday, January 1, 2018According to estimates, the number of patients undergoing hemodialysis is expected to increase dramatically within next years due to the ageing of population and prevalence of other co morbidities such as diabetic mellitus, coronary artery disease, hypertension and several others. 1-5 However, the exact number of patients seems to vary globally which is attributed to various obstacles such as Volumes/Issues / Volume 9 (2020) / Issue 4 October-December 2020 NEEDS OF PATIENTS WITH HEART FAILURE (HF) Thursday, October 1, 2020Not available. Volumes/Issues / Volume 2 (2013) / Issue 2 May-August 2013 Patients' needs Thursday, August 1, 2013The aim of the present study was to review the literature about patients' needs. Method and material: The method οf this study included bibliography research from both the review and the research literature, mainly in the pubmed data base which referred to the concept of "patients' needs". Results: Abraham Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs which includes the basic needs (e.g. physiological, Volumes/Issues / Volume 7 (2018) / Issue 2 May-August 2018 PATIENTS' PERCEPTIONS ABOUT LIVING WITH PERMANENT CARDIAC PACEMAKERS Tuesday, May 1, 2018Nurses play an increasingly prominent role in cardiac pacing during both the inpatient and the outpatient phases of care and they may foster positive attitude to this implanted device. Aim: of this research was to explore perceptions of patients living with a permanent cardiac pacemaker dual-chamber (PMs-DDD) aged over 60 years. Material and Methods: The sample of the study consisted of 50 patients Volumes/Issues / Volume 11 (2022) / Issue 1 January - March 2022 PATIENTS' PROBLEMS WITH A PERMANENT HEART PACEMAKER Saturday, January 1, 2022Not available Pages: 1 2 3 Next »